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Let’s minimise the increase to our rates

Let’s keep the increase to Council Rates as low as possible.

With the new financial year nearly here, Council this week will aim to release its draft budget to community consultation. While there are some exciting projects and initiatives set for the 2023-24 Financial Year, unfortunately, Gawler is looking at an increase in Council Rates.

This is due to a number of factors - inflation and global events have meant that in order for Gawler to maintain its level of service, rates need to rise in line with everything else that has gone up.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t reduce it as much as possible.

That’s why at this week’s special council meeting, I am moving to have a number of proposed initiatives moved ‘below the line’ and off the draft budget. Because, by reducing spending and increasing other methods to build income for Council, other than rates, we will keep the rise to rates to an absolute minimum.

This doesn’t mean these projects don’t have merit, however, I have identified them as projects that could wait till the next budget for example, or be reconsidered. Right now, many in our community are struggling as it is, with rising costs of living, high interest rates and other financial factors - a high rate rise is just not permissible.

We have to be cognisant of what the ratepayers are asking for - and that is minimising increase to rates and bringing more income into our town through alternative methods.

And one way we can do that is to reduce spending. And that’s what I am trying to do with my proposal. I ask my fellow Elected Members to support our community by backing this proposal this Wednesday at the Special Council Meeting.

It can be a tricky topic, and I am very much still learning, but if you would like to discuss it further, you can always reach out to me via email: or give me a call on 0458 141 941.

Views are my own and not that of the Town of Gawler Authorised by E. White PO Box 331 Gawler SA 5118

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